Web Based Data Visualization Dashboard for Sensor and Pose Estimation Data
Our proposed visual dashboard aims to facilitate training progress evaluation in sports like skateboarding and foil pumping by offering real-time sensor and camera data processing through machine learning-based pose estimation.…
Preliminary studies of measuring skateboarding forces by combining inertial sensors and camera-based pose estimation
Understanding acceleration forces and making progress in learning Skateboarding is a process of trial and error. In our paper we are describing our preliminary experiments for describing the complex interactions…
Presshammer: Rowhammer and Rowpress without Physical Address Information
Modern DRAM is susceptible to fault attacks that undermine the entire system’s security. The most well-studied disturbance effect is Rowhammer, where an attacker repeatedly opens and closes (i.e., hammers) different…
Evaluation of medium-large Language Models at zero-shot closed book generative question answering
Large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention, but the definition of „large“ lacks clarity. This paper focuses on medium-sized lan-guage models (MLMs), defined as having at least six billion…